Tag: nature

Our Garden

Our Garden

Our garden is really coming along these days.  Although we had a few set-backs (deer, rabbits, etc.) things are really starting to look good! We put a wire fence around the garden to keep the deer and rabbits away. We planted marigolds around the border 

Our New Home and …

Our New Home and …

Over the past few months we have been busy settling into our new home.  Finally, things have started to calm down and we are enjoying our new life filled with gardening, nature, and cooking!     We planted these onions several weekends ago and are 

5/16 Herbal Natural Remedy Class and Herb Tea Blending ハーブティーで病気予防

5/16 Herbal Natural Remedy Class and Herb Tea Blending ハーブティーで病気予防

Next week we will enjoy making our own blend of herbal tea, an herbal dessert and we will also learn how to use herbs to better our health. Everyone will leave with their own personal herb tea blend!




日にち:5月16日 11時~1時
















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Next Month’s Eikaiwa Afternoon Tea Classes and Events-5月の英会話アフタヌーンティースケジュール

Next Month’s Eikaiwa Afternoon Tea Classes and Events-5月の英会話アフタヌーンティースケジュール

Next month I will be holding all new classes and events. In celebration of the warmer weather we will be having several classes outside in the park as well as tours around the city and Brooklyn. I’m looking forward to another fun month of events! 

Next Week! 4/2 Spring Cleaning Part 2: 来週!スプリングクリーニング 2:ナチュラルでエコ家庭用洗剤

Next Week! 4/2 Spring Cleaning Part 2: 来週!スプリングクリーニング 2:ナチュラルでエコ家庭用洗剤

(English Below) スプリングクリーニング 2:ナチュラルでエコ家庭用洗剤 お店で買う洗剤は色々な化学製品や身体に良くない物がたくさん入っています。(特に喘息やアトピーの人) そこで安全に使えるエコな洗剤を作りましょう! エッセンシャルオイルと他の手に入りやすいナチュラルな材料を使ってディッシュソープ、ホームフラグランス、キッチンクリーナーを一緒に作ります。またアメリカのスーパーによくある洗剤用のナチュラルな材料についてお話します。 お茶とスイーツをご用意しております。 日にち:4月2日(火) 時間:12時〜2時 料金:40ドル Next week I will be holding an all natural home cleaning workshop. We will learn how to use everyday all natural ingredients to clean our homes. Many of today’s commercial cleaners can irritate your 

Natural Flu and Cold Remedy

Natural Flu and Cold Remedy

IMG_9625I love this time of the year but it is also a time that I usually get sick.

No matter how hard I try to keep myself healthy and avoid catching a cold it seems like I always catch one a few times during the year.  But this time I found something great!  It is a natural remedy that you take when you feel like you are about to catch a cold and it actually stops you from getting a cold!  I tried Quantom Cold and Flu the other day on the onset of my cold and by the next day I already felt like I was getting better! I went into Whole Foods looking to buy goldenseal tablets but the lady recommended me this formula, Quantom Cold and Flu. It was about $18 and I wasn’t sure if it was worth but I figured I would try it anyways. It’s definitely not cheap but it will last a very long time. I only needed to take two doses of it for it to work. You can order Quantom Cold and Flu online or find it in your local health food store or Whole Foods.

I also recommend this tea made of Echinacea and Goldenseal.  It also works as a great preventative. The trick is to keep it in hot water for 10-15 minutes so that the tea is very potent. You can also find this tea at your local health food store or you can buy it at iherb.com (Alvita Echinacea and Goldenseal). While you’re there you can use this code to save money on your order at iherb.com:PEK478