Tag: ナチュラルレメディー

Make your Own Herb Tea Blend!5/16料理で英語レッスンハーブティーブレンディングとテイスティング

Make your Own Herb Tea Blend!5/16料理で英語レッスンハーブティーブレンディングとテイスティング

Did you ever want to try and make your own personal blend of herb tea? Did you ever wonder how to use herbs to improve your health? In this class we will learn all about herbs including herbal remedies, how to use herbs in your 

Renkon-Japanese Lotus Root: Where does it Come From???

Renkon-Japanese Lotus Root: Where does it Come From???

Renkon or ” lotus root ” is a root that is  popular in many Japanese dishes such as nimono ( braised vegetables), kinpira ( sautéd in sugar and soy sauce) and tsukemono ( Japanese Pickles). It is a popular root used in macrobiotic cooking and